Effed Up Successes

Universal Blank Slate

Episode Summary

The world is full of unknowns, now more than ever it's important to figure out how to stabilize yourself on the rocky cliff of life. We are brushing off the dust and getting back into the groove of things on a slightly more serious level. Today we discuss finding that next handhold even when we can't see what's ahead (or to continue the climbing metaphor "above"). Rebuilding your life or your business starts from square one, we have been offered this universal blank slate to start anew and we can use it to sketch out a new, fabulous future if we tread carefully, give ourselves grace and extend that to the outer reaches of our world.

Episode Notes

Universal Blank Slates

On our second official Covid-19 Quarantine recording, we start things off the right way with trash cans full of margaritas, our recording failures, running for president as a dual platform and our entire cabinet appointments. and more! 

We start with throwbacks to the old school television that  shaped us as human beings and gave us all of our current conditions.

After our trip down memory lane we start discussing the current day and times and how we are best surviving and still trying to thrive despite the current condition of the world. 

Drinks in hand we take you on a journey, not just on how to look at the glass half full but how to find out where you last left the damn glass. Let's start with baby steps and figure out our new normal, once we've established that let's figure out how to use this crazy scenario to slingshot us into a better reality. 

Bullet Points: Not feeling stuck where you are, not holding yourself to other people's standards, looking for the helpers in times of need (Mr Rogers), not being tone deaf in what you share on social media during a disaster.