Effed Up Successes

Cookies + Authenticity with Tiffany McCall

Episode Summary

On today's episode with get cuddled and cozy with Cookie Queen Tiffany McCall of Sugar Rex. She's spilling the secrets to her success and her honest challenges with being vulnerable in a seemingly perfect world.

Episode Notes

With a BIG background in marketing and PR, Tiffany McCall spills the tea on what really goes into making a killer creative biz, keeping it 100 (in authenticity) and talks about her outlook on standing apart from the never-ending crowd of other creatives.

Office puppy Megan tries to assassinate Linnie and Rachel with a champagne cork (read: we are DEFINITELY publishing a video on the right way to open bubbly!)

We wrap the interview by launching our OLDIES BUT GOODIES segment- this week we are talking Paul Rudd, Steve Carrell and your fave uncle from Full House. 


Follow along with Tiffany and Sugar Rex here:


Follow along with OUR shenanigans here: